Ta Prohm – The Ultimate Guide

sunset ta prohm

Within the verdant jungles of Cambodia stands Ta Prohm: an ancient temple that bears testament to the grandeur and mystique of the Khmer Empire. Constructed in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, this enthralling archaeological site arouses global interest; it has captivated imaginations from all corners of the earth. Nature’s relentless embrace envelopes Ta Prohm – offering a spectral yet enchanting experience unlike any other– positioning it as one of Angkor Archaeological Park’s most iconic, atmospheric temples.

A Brief History of Ta Prohm

Situated within the Angkor Archaeological Park, close to Siem Reap—Cambodia’s popular tourist hub—Ta Prohm is a renowned temple. The historical trajectory of Ta Prohm closely parallels the Khmer Empire’s fluctuations; as such: it experienced an evolution that reflects both its growth and decline. Herein lies an encapsulation of Ta Prohm’s rich past:

Construction Period:

  • 12th Century: During the late 12th and early 13th centuries–under King Jayavarman VII’s reign–Ta Prohm was constructed; originally, people knew it as Rajavihara: a term translating to “Monastery of the King.”
  • Commissioned by King Jayavarman VII: King Jayavarman VII, one of the Khmer Empire’s most powerful and prolific kings commissioned Ta Prohm’s construction; he dedicated this temple to his mother, serving as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery.
  • Architectural Style: Ta Prohm was constructed in the architectural style typical of the Bayon period, characterized by face towers, monumental gates, and intricate bas-reliefs.

Purpose and Function:

  • Mahayana Buddhism: Primarily a Mahayana Buddhist temple: Ta Prohm reflected King Jayavarman VII’s strong association with Buddhism. The site functioned as not only a place of worship but also an educational institution and residence for both priests and scholars.
  • Inscriptions: At Ta Prohm, numerous inscriptions offering insights into the temple’s purpose and function have been discovered; these detailed records underscore the king-endowed wealth, resources, and land given to Ta Prohm.


Located in Siem Reap, Cambodia: Ta Prohm sits within the confines of Angkor Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This park comprises remnants of various Khmer Empire capitals; most notably, it houses the renowned temple – Angkor Wat.

Approximately one kilometer east of Angkor Thom, another noteworthy temple complex in the vicinity lies Ta Prohm. Visitors to Siem Reap frequently traverse this location, alongside other temples within the Angkor complex; they delve into its architectural marvels and rich history that reflect an ancient civilization’s splendors.

Getting There

Getting to Ta Prohm involves traveling to the Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Here are the general steps on how to get to Ta Prohm:

1. Arrive in Siem Reap: Most international visitors fly into Siem Reap International Airport. Since October 2023, all flights have arrived and departed at the new location that’s located 40 km away from Angkor Wat temple. There are also land entry points from neighboring countries.

2. Purchase an Angkor Pass: Before visiting Ta Prohm, you need to purchase an Angkor Pass. These passes are available for one day, three days, or seven days. They can be obtained at the Angkor Ticket Center, which is on the road to Angkor Wat.

3. Transportation Options:

  • Tuk-Tuk: Tuk-tuks are a popular and affordable mode of transportation in Siem Reap. Negotiate a fare with a tuk-tuk driver to take you to Ta Prohm and possibly other temples in the area.
  • Bicycle: Some visitors choose to explore the Angkor temples by bicycle. Bicycles can be rented in Siem Reap, and cycling is a great way to enjoy the scenic surroundings.
  • Car or Motorbike: Private cars or motorbikes can be hired for a more comfortable and personalized experience. Make sure the driver is familiar with the Angkor temple complex.

4. Follow the Route: The Angkor Archaeological Park has a designated route that visitors are encouraged to follow. The route takes you past several significant temples, and Ta Prohm is often included in the circuit. Maps are usually available at the ticket center.

5. Explore Ta Prohm: Once you arrive at Ta Prohm, take your time to explore the temple. Marvel at the intertwining tree roots and the stunning architecture. It’s a good idea to have a guide or information about the temple’s history and significance.

6. Return to Siem Reap: After exploring Ta Prohm, you can either return to Siem Reap or continue your exploration of other temples in the Angkor complex, depending on the type of Angkor Pass you purchased.

Remember, weather conditions—especially during the rainy season—influence the state of roads and paths leading to temples; therefore, you should ascertain their current status and plan accordingly.

Furthermore, employing a well-informed guide at Ta Prohm—who can offer insights into its historical relevance as well as that of nearby temples—not only enriches your experience but also improves understanding.


Regrettably, Ta Prohm and its immediate surroundings do not offer any kind of accommodation; however, Siem Reap – home to the Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia – presents various lodging options within close vicinity to Ta Prohm.

Bear in mind that accommodations and specific options may fluctuate; therefore, it becomes advisable to review recent feedback and current offerings. The following represents potential types of accommodation you might discover within the area:

1. Luxury Hotels and Resorts: Siem Reap is home to several luxury hotels and resorts, some of which offer high-end amenities, spa services, and exquisite dining options. These establishments often provide transportation to and from the Angkor temples, including Ta Prohm.

2. Boutique Hotels: Boutique hotels in Siem Reap offer a more personalized and intimate experience. Many are designed with unique aesthetics and may provide guided tours or other services to explore the nearby temples.

3. Mid-Range Hotels and Guesthouses: There are numerous mid-range hotels and guesthouses in Siem Reap that cater to a range of budgets. These accommodations may offer comfortable rooms and essential amenities for travelers exploring the Angkor temples.

4. Hostels: For budget-conscious travelers, hostels are available in Siem Reap. They provide shared dormitory-style accommodations and are often a good choice for solo travelers or those looking to meet fellow adventurers.

5. Vacation Rentals: Vacation rentals, such as apartments or villas, can be found in Siem Reap. These options are suitable for travelers who prefer a more independent and home-like experience.

6. Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Some accommodations in the region focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. If you’re interested in minimizing your environmental impact, consider looking for eco-friendly hotels or lodges.

Consider factors such as proximity to Ta Prohm, transportation options, and the amenities that matter most in your quest for accommodation; Siem Reap—boasting its popularity among tourists—offers a wide spectrum of choices designed to suit varying preferences and budgets.

Moreover, many accommodations not only provide shuttle services but also help arrange transportation toward Angkor temples—a feature providing convenience for visitors keen on exploring Ta Prohm and other nearby archaeological sites.

Ta Prohm Tours

As you plan a visit to Ta Prohm or any other temple within the Angkor Archaeological Park, various tour options are available to enhance your experience. Consider these commonly chosen tours:

Private Guided Tours: Engaging a private guide offers you the luxury of a personalized experience: an adventure, customized according to your interests and pace. Not only do guides routinely offer historical context, but they also proffer cultural insights; additionally, they explain architectural nuances and decipher carvings for their clients.

Group Guided Tours: Opting for a group tour serves as an efficient financial choice. This option typically includes the insightful guidance of a knowledgeable leader—someone who directs small groups of curators, offering detailed information about each temple and promptly addressing inquiries.

Layout and Design Of Ta Prohm

The layout and design of Ta Prohm mirror the architectural magnificence of the Khmer Empire in the late 12th to early 13th centuries; highlighted below are key attributes inherent in its structure:

1. Enclosure Walls: Rectangular walls enclose Ta Prohm, clearly delineating the boundary of this temple complex; these substantial parapet-like structures do not merely serve a functional purpose. Adorned with stone carvings and inscriptions, they are indeed art exhibits in themselves.

2. Entrances and Gopurams: The temple complex showcases multiple entrances; each of which is signified by a gopuram, or tower. These gopurams – marked by intricate carvings – function as ceremonial entry points into the temple: their stunning detail captures attention and sets an auspicious tone for those entering.

3. Central Sanctuary: The central sanctuary, housing the main prasat (tower) and dedicated to the temple’s principal deity, lies at Ta Prohm’s heart; typically elevated on a platform – it stands surrounded by galleries and courtyards.

4. Courtyards and Galleries: Ta Prohm embodies a concentric layout around the central sanctuary, characterized by successive courtyards and galleries; these galleries showcase intricate carvings scenes drawn from Hindu mythology, historical events, as well as everyday life during the Khmer Empire.

5. Library Buildings: Ta Prohm, similar to numerous Khmer temples, incorporates library buildings within its complex: these edifices—often petite and embellished single-story structures—likely served as repositories for religious texts and manuscripts.

6. Devatas and Apsaras: Adorned with intricate carvings of devatas—divine females—and apsaras—celestial nymphs—the walls of Ta Prohm offer a notable aesthetic: they boast detailed and graceful depictions that infuse the temple with an overarching sense of elegance.

7. Integration with Nature: Ta Prohm’s most distinctive feature, its symbiotic relationship with nature is evident as the roots of giant silk-cotton trees weave through its partially ruined stone structures; this distinct integration fosters a captivating and otherworldly atmosphere.

8. Cloister Walls and Hallways: The temple complex includes cloister walls and covered hallways that connect various parts of the structure. These spaces often feature carved lintels and bas-reliefs depicting mythological narratives and religious scenes.

9. Buddhist Elements: Originally a Mahayana Buddhist temple, Ta Prohm displays remnants of Buddhist iconography within its complex: images of Buddhas and other deities, a reflection of the Khmer Empire’s religious diversity.

10. Restoration Efforts: Efforts have been invested to restore Ta Prohm and stabilize its structures; the approach, however, deviates from those of other temples in the Angkor complex employ. The decision—retaining much of the temple’s “jungle temple” appearance—allows for a harmonious coexistence between encroaching vegetation and ancient stones.

With its combination of religious symbolism, intricate carvings, and integration with the natural environment, Ta Prohm’s layout and design contribute to the temple’s unique enchanting character.

Exploring various courtyards; galleries; and passages, visitors can marvel at how human architecture harmonizes with nature’s forces within this location.

tree trunk ta prohm

Trees At Ta Prohm

The trees at Ta Prohm, especially the grand, silk-cotton species (Ceiba pentandra) among others, substantially enhance the temple’s unique, enchanting ambiance. Consider these crucial aspects of Ta Prohm’s arboreal composition:

1. Giant Silk-Cotton Trees: Ta Prohm’s most iconic feature: giant silk-cotton trees, both growing over and penetrating through the temple structures. The massive, sinuous roots of these trees sculpt a surreal, captivating scene; they exemplify nature’s power to reclaim man-made edifices.

2. Integration with Temple Structures: The stone walls, corridors, and courtyards of the temple have seamlessly integrated with the roots of silk-cotton trees. Winding through doorways enveloping columns; and cascading over ancient stone carvings—these roots create a visually stunning fusion, a harmonious blend between nature and architecture.

3. Banyan Trees and Kapok Trees: Surrounding Ta Prohm, in addition to silk-cotton trees; you’ll encounter additional tree species like banyan and kapok. These trees with their branches spread out wide and dense foliage providing shade generate a lush, jungle-like environment, they enhance the overall picturesque setting.

4. Seasonal Changes: Depending on the season, Ta Prohm’s appearance varies: during the rainy season, vibrant and lush vegetation adorns it — trees proudly showcase their full foliage. However, in contrast to this; throughout the dry season — some trees may shed their leaves, revealing an expanse of intricate stone carvings.

5. Photographic Opportunities: Unparalleled opportunities for capturing evocative and atmospheric images are offered by the trees at Ta Prohm to photographers and visitors; the play of light and shadow combined with a contrast between greenery, weathered stone, and the sheer scale of tree roots – imbues each composition: breathtaking in its scope.

At Ta Prohm, the trees are not merely elements of the natural landscape; indeed, they define the temple’s identity creating an environment both mesmerizing and surreal. This unique blending of nature and architecture distinguishes Ta Prohm: it stands as one of the world’s most remarkable—and photogenic—archaeological sites.

Conservation Challenges

The conservation of Ta Prohm presents unparalleled challenges; the temple’s symbiosis with nature and a fragile equilibrium between preservation and environmental forces compound these issues. The following points delineate key obstacles in conserving Ta Prohm:

1. Tree Impact: At Ta Prohm, the most significant conservation challenge stems from the impact of giant silk-cotton trees and other vegetation on the temple’s structures: their intertwining roots and branches, though creating an iconic; picturesque scene, also exert pressure on stone leading to structural instability with potential for long-term damage.

2. Stone Decay: Enduring centuries of weathering, the ancient stone structures of Ta Prohm face the potential for decay induced by moisture from trees and their surrounding environment; to prevent further deterioration—while preserving its unique appearance—a nuanced approach requires meticulous effort.

3. Tourist Foot Traffic: Each year, Ta Prohm lures a substantial audience; they delve into its corridors and courtyards. The ceaseless foot traffic can result in wear on the stone surfaces: this ongoing degradation affects the temple’s overall condition. Therefore, establishing strategies—both managing visitor access and ensuring their positive experience—is an overriding concern for conservation efforts.

4. Restoration Dilemma: Striking a balance at Ta Prohm—between stabilizing the temple’s structures and preserving its captivating overgrown appearance—presents itself as a constant dilemma; determining how much restoration to undertake proves challenging. Excessive intervention stands to alter the unique character of Ta Prohm, while sparse remediation risks jeopardizing long-term stability: another facet of this quandary.

5. Environmental Factors: Exposed to the elements—particularly Cambodia’s tropical climate, high humidity, and monsoon rains—is Ta Prohm; a site where both stone structures and vegetation are at risk of accelerated deterioration due to weather patterns. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of this heritage space necessitates conservation efforts that take into account these environmental factors, climate conditions must be factored in for effective preservation strategies.

6. Conservation Technology: The site’s complex environment at Ta Prohm makes the application of modern conservation technologies, such as non-invasive monitoring techniques, which is quite challenging. Given this, we may need to adapt traditional methods of restoration and preservation or supplement them with innovative technologies; specifically ones that could address distinct challenges posed by integrating trees and stone.

7. Funding and Resources: Adequate funding and resources are essential for implementing comprehensive conservation plans. Securing financial support for ongoing maintenance, research, and monitoring is crucial to address the evolving conservation needs of Ta Prohm.

8. Community and Stakeholder Engagement: For successful preservation efforts, it is vital to involve local communities, archaeologists, conservationists, and other stakeholders. Achieving a balance among the interests of various groups, such as tourism operators; local residents; and heritage organizations demands effective communication. Collaboration also plays an undeniably essential role in this process.

9. Preventing Vandalism and Theft: Protecting Ta Prohm from vandalism and theft is an ongoing concern. Efforts to educate visitors about the importance of preserving the site, along with increased security measures, are necessary to safeguard the temple and its cultural heritage.

Ta Prohm in Popular Culture: Through its inclusion in the 2001 blockbuster film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”, Ta Prohm achieved international fame; with an atmosphere and setting so evocative, it presented a perfect backdrop for the movie’s adventurous storyline catapulting further into global prominence.

The Stegosaurus Carving At Ta Prohm

Claims and speculations have emerged surrounding a carving resembling a dinosaur, more specifically, a Stegosaurus at Ta Prohm; such claims have drawn attention in popular media and incited online debates.

These conversations suggest the intriguing possibility that ancient folks might have possessed knowledge of dinosaurs: an idea that we must approach with caution while considering these points:

1. Scientific Consensus: Paleontologists unanimously concur dinosaurs, including the Stegosaurus met their extinction millions of years prior to human emergence on Earth. Mainstream scientific comprehension refutes any notion that ancient civilizations, such as the Khmer Empire, held knowledge about these prehistoric creatures.

2. Misinterpretation: Often, carvings and reliefs on ancient temples depict a multitude of animals; they also showcase mythical creatures and symbolic representations. What may seem like dinosaurs to some observers might actually be stylized or symbolically representative of other entities different creatures or concepts, for instance.

3. Natural Erosion:
Natural erosion and weathering, over time, can modify the appearance of carvings: some features may become more pronounced; others might alter leading to potential misinterpretation.

4. Modern Carvings: The possibility exists that the supposed dinosaur carving might be a modern addition or alteration; thus, experts in archaeology and conservation must thoroughly examine its authenticity: an imperative measure.

5. Sensationalism: Claims of ancient depictions of dinosaurs can attract attention due to their sensational nature. It’s crucial to critically evaluate such Assertions should rely on scholarly research and evidence; therefore, rigorous scrutiny must underline every claim.


The Khmer Empire’s grandeur and the relentless passage of time find a living testament in Ta Prohm; its fusion of architecture with nature offers an otherworldly, captivating experience for all who dare to traverse through its age-old passageways. As one of Angkor Archaeological Park’s crown jewels—Ta Prohm never fails to inspire awe or incite wonder: it entices visitors into immersing themselves within this site’s extraordinary depth—a profound expedition that combines rich historical insights with fascinating mysteries.

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